Lessons Learned
Amidst the bustle of travel, the indulgence of too much shopping, and the absolute necessity of too much Parisian wine, chocolate, and gourmet food, I am reminded of what awaits me at home: the people and things I love.
My life in little old-town Louisville often feels messy and complicated...hence the instinct to run away and peak into other parts of the world. But my little life is also full of light, joy, and plenty of lessons. I shouldn't be surprised that the lessons have followed me to the European Continent.
As I balance the interpersonal relations and self-reflection a lengthy vacation inevitably inspires, I am reminded of my clients, all of whom come to Recherché during a period of upheaval, transition, and planning for the future. I am incredibly privileged to get to pamper and attend to them during momentous times. I do my best to document their new lives through a lens that likes to find love and beauty. I rely on trips like this to recharge my batteries so I can continue to give my all to my clients and the incredible phenomenon that is Recherché.
Much like my trip to Australia and New Zealand earlier this year, this trip has reminded me to lean into the basics. All that is necessary to travel (to Europe at least!) is a passport, a credit card (with available funds!), an open heart and an eager smile. I'm headed to Ireland to complete my journey...who knows what this next phase of my travels will bring?

We did the classic boat ride down the Siene river. Whoa. Unbelievably cold. But some of our favorite shots and bonding time of the trip!

A collection of Eiffel Tower shots:

for this...
La Bella Epoque Carrousel at Jardin des Tuileries...

I also adore these images of Julie. I'm not sure which of us spent more time trying to create images that the other would love of themselves. I'm also not sure which of us is the harsher critic. But how could she not love these images??

Our last little cafe in Paris, sigh...
My life in little old-town Louisville often feels messy and complicated...hence the instinct to run away and peak into other parts of the world. But my little life is also full of light, joy, and plenty of lessons. I shouldn't be surprised that the lessons have followed me to the European Continent.
As I balance the interpersonal relations and self-reflection a lengthy vacation inevitably inspires, I am reminded of my clients, all of whom come to Recherché during a period of upheaval, transition, and planning for the future. I am incredibly privileged to get to pamper and attend to them during momentous times. I do my best to document their new lives through a lens that likes to find love and beauty. I rely on trips like this to recharge my batteries so I can continue to give my all to my clients and the incredible phenomenon that is Recherché.
Much like my trip to Australia and New Zealand earlier this year, this trip has reminded me to lean into the basics. All that is necessary to travel (to Europe at least!) is a passport, a credit card (with available funds!), an open heart and an eager smile. I'm headed to Ireland to complete my journey...who knows what this next phase of my travels will bring?
In the meantime, here are but a few more images from Paris...
I love these shots I took in the decorative gold ball hanging above our table at the Bon Marche.

We were so chilled to the bone after our boat ride that our need for hot chocolate was DIRE. We stopped here...

for this...

A favorite evening shot...
We spent our last evening in Paris at Montmartre. The Bohemian epi-center. I think we all fell in love with and purchased original pieces of art here. I adore the two pieces I bought.

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